Tuesday, January 19, 2010

11:56 computer room

I only have this day to take action, i only have this moment to enjoy, to move through, to feel. only this moment. i pray for the strength to feel my emotions and the courage to carry them with humility. i pray for the strength to follow my own desires, the ability to hear my inner voice and heed its call. I am torn in a situation, about going on a trip with a friend. I don't know what to do. I give it up to you, a greater force, a higher power. I pray for guidance. I pray for love, inside and the strength to give it without reservation or condition. I pray for the strength to follow guidance. I pray. Grateful for a sponsor to check in with, to help me reflect, to keep me moving on the path of recovery. I overate tonight, for pleasure, for reassurance. Apathy kicked in a bit through. Stopped when the feeling of sickness just sprouted. Grateful. Goodnight.

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