Tuesday, October 27, 2009

10:51 hotel room

A day without food obsession and again, I am a bit at a loss of what to write about, except for simply the events of the day. A wonderful meditation and Tai Chi class this afternoon, floating on a high at the end. Exercise, strech and hot tub after dinner. Emails, phone calls, then chill with group, watching a movie, playing cards and games, laughing. Bit of a sore throat and runny nose starting, so going to bed early. An unexpected but pleasant phone conversation just ended, a helpless smile lingering on my face. But grounded, I pray for present focus. But I think I should remember not to concentrate too hard, or else miss the point entirely. Let it be. I let go of control, I give myself to the universe, I am a child of the universe. Sitting in the hot tub, the surface turbulent and violent, the steam swaying and thrashing in the cold night air. Doing the forms of Tai Chi, I felt a pressure of the energy around me, in and under my palms. Higher Power, I pray for strength and courage to open myself and be guided. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Grateful for the bright warmness that flows from the possiblity of love.

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