Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Morning Land

Each part of the day could be considered a different geographical place. Though the times of the day are relative to your personal lifestyle. Morning for one might be 7:30, while for another, 10:30. Random thought. I think this because we can have such different states of mind during the day, some as far away as the US from China. Just reading the daily passage in the Alateen reader, about having a loving relationship with a Higher Power, and realize I almost couldnt remember the wording to Step Two. Starting to think about the faults in others lives and if Ill be able to live through them...versus focusing on myself and what I can change about myself...all i really have are my attitudes and responses. And Love and Gratitude, and a special connection with a greater force and power out there, that can guide me 'home' whenever I open myself up to it...drowning in perfectionist mindsets lately. Trying to let go and let God. Im going to need some support, and hopefully be able to support others as they help me come to an understanding of my sorrows, woes and confusions.

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