Tuesday, September 15, 2009

11:30 bedroom

The stars are beautiful tonight. And the spiders have begun their migration inside. Late summer and its savoury moments. The evening is chill but still warm enough to walk outside barefoot and stare at the diamonds twinkling in the dark blue sky.
Not very original images but they fit what i feel.
An article on feeling beautiful. Love, physical exertion, writing:
...the "...solitary engagement with language. Writing requires us to take the world on more slowly, to notice its harshness as well as its richness. Wtiting reduces the chaos in my mind. As the gospel song says, it orders my steps and makes me feel in control of myself and therefore appreciative of the world." Asha Bandele. I think that desription is beautiful...
Children, serenity, an unashamed embrace of self. The rest of the magazine was uninteresting and out of my scope but those pieces were great.
Recovery takes practice, says the reader today. I feel it, coming slow ly. A sponser, a miracle. Through recovery we must delve into ourselves and develop a new conciousness, exploring true values, discovering true feelings, unadulterated and unhampered by disease or darkness.
I will talk and listen to Higher Power, to Love. To myself. My body, my spirit. Be guided by the fellowship of OA.
Grateful for Jerry tonight, who came in to talk to me, ask me how I was doing, and stopped me finishing a binge. And grateful that I wanted to listen.

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